"A Preparation for End Times Revival"

My dear followers, there are quite a number of denominations that have neglected the work, role, and purpose of the Holy Spirit simply because they do not know who He is. Let's get ourselves better acquainted with God so that we can have a better understanding as to His operations and a deeper appreciation for the coming mighty revival, which He will bring. 

 Who is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is Almighty God, creator of the Cosmos (Genesis 1:1-2). He is known as the “revival power of God” and is often described as the "breadth of God." He brings renewal to our spiritual and physical life. He'd rest upon certain individuals for service as mentioned in the Old Testament e.g. Samson (Judges 15). 

Two Types of Baptism:

It is widely spoken of that there are two baptisms that are quite necessary for unbelievers:

1.Baptism unto repentance: This is similar to the water baptism that John the Baptist conducted (Matt. 3:11, Mark 1:8). Even though Jesus baptized in water, kindly note He had no sins whatsoever, but he did it to set an example for the believers. 

2. The baptism in the Holy Spirit and fire by Jesus Christ Himself (Matt. 3:11, Luke 3:16).

How is baptism done?

With the example that Christ set, being baptized in River Jordan, many are of the view that a believer must first be submerged in water and be taken out. To receive the Holy Spirit's baptism with fire, a believer must be plunged into Him. 

These are some important expressions used in scripture for baptism in the Holy Spirit:

fall upon, come upon, and filled with.

Being Full of God:

▪Ephesians 5:8 educates Christians to be filled with the Holy Spirit, i.e. be full of God’s power and be under His governing authority.

▪Christ Jesus was full of the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:1); He had the Holy Spirit unconstrained.

▪Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 4:8).

▪All the deacons selected for service were full of the Holy Spirit (Acts 6:3-5; 7:55). 

▪Barnabas was full of the Holy Spirit (Acts 11:24), and numerous believers today. 

Supernatural Empowerment:

Believers who are baptized in the Holy Spirit are ‘spiritually’ equipped with special abilities for service beyond human limitations in Kingdom building. Jesus told His disciples to wait for the promise of the Father, which is the Holy Spirit who would endow them with divine power for further work (Joel 2:28-29, Acts 2:17-18). The body of Christ was immersed into power from on high way beyond their regular work energy (Acts 1, 5:8). This is the same power that daddy Jesus had unreservedly.  

Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. When the Holy Spirit takes up residence in a sincere believers life, He reintroduces Jesus' earthly ministry to the person. 


Divine Father, let thy Holy Spirit fall afresh on me today. Renew my body, soul, and spirit by your power. Where their are lukewarm areas in my life, I humbly ask you to revive so that I can soar to new heights in Jesus Christ and not become a castaway. Great Father, please do not take your Holy Spirit from me but cause me to forever REJOICE and be happy in you. Thank you for the many other blessings that you've given me. In Jesus' holy name! Amen. 

Reach out and touch the Lord as He passes your way today.  God bless you! Please return here for other blog posts in knowing the Holy Spirit.

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